This week was pretty great! We're working with Tasha to get her to the temple! If she goes then we get to go too!! That would be the best thing ever!! She's doing so well! There's a glow about her now and even though she still has to deal with many of her problems, she says she feels peace about them.
We dropped one of our investigators and we're going to drop another one this week. We think another one of our investigators is dropping us....soooo we're in the finding stage of missionary work right now. But it has been really cool! We prayed about who in the ward knew people who were ready for the gospel and a name in the ward came to mind and it turns out we were eating with them that night. So we shared a message with them and they gave us a referral! We contacted the referral yesterday and she was really nice but not interested. But I felt prompted to talk about eternal families with her and then I asked who she knew who just lost a job or something big just happened in their life and she referred us to a neighbor who just lost her father! So we're going to contact her tonight!
Another cool experience this week: so on Tuesday all of our plans fell through and we didn't really know what to do and I was feeling 0 motivation so we prayed and I prayed for the Lord to help me to have motivation. I felt prompted to open my scriptures and I opened to 3 Nephi 11:41 which says, "Therefore, go forth unto this people, and declare the words which I have spoken, unto the ends of the earth." Isn't that so cool? It was neat too because I never felt so motivated in my life afterwards. My companion felt like we should visit a couple who is borderline less active and so we decided to go there and as we were trying to find their street we saw a potential's house and we knocked. They told us they weren't actually interested but he said his friend at work probably was so he wanted to give him our card! When we got to the couple's house we found out she was just diagnosed with cancer and needed an uplifting message!
We definitely saw a lot of miracles this week! Another one is that I didn't get a ticket last night! I got pulled over and was going 13 over.... My TIWI didn't even tell me! He let me off with a warning though haha. The speed limit had just changed so he was feeling generous. Well I love you all and hope you have a great week!
Sister Larmouth
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